“The Missolonghi Manuscript: Frederic Prokosch’s Lord Byron”
"The Missolonghi Manuscript: Frederic Prokosch’s Lord Byron" Dorothy McMillan2008Format: pdf
"The Missolonghi Manuscript: Frederic Prokosch’s Lord Byron" Dorothy McMillan2008Format: pdf
"Byron’s legacy, and Byron’s inheritance" Dr. Peter CochranOct., 2007Format: pdf
"Λόρδος Βύρων: 200 χρόνια ποίησης και αθανασίας" Δρ. Μαρία ΣχοινάOct., 2007Format: pdf
"Byron and the Greek Sublime" Peter W.GrahamAugust, 2004Format: pdf
"Why a Byron Center in Messolonghi?" M. Byron RaizisMay, 2004Format: pdf
"Byron and the Olympic Spirit" Bernard BeattyMay, 2004Format: pdf
"'To have, when the original is dust' A Founder’s History of the Byron Society Collection" Marsha MannsMay, 2004Format: pdf
"The Seashore Episode in Don Juan Canto II" Drummond BoneJune, 2003
"Romantic Scholarship and Culture, 1960-2001. A Byronic View" Jerome McGannMay, 2002Format: pdf
"Byron and Greek Mythology" Peter W. GrahamOct, 2001Format: pdf