You are currently viewing Honorary President of the Messolonghi Byron Society: John Lytton, 5th Earl of Lytton, a direct descendant of Lord Byron

Honorary President of the Messolonghi Byron Society: John Lytton, 5th Earl of Lytton, a direct descendant of Lord Byron

The Messolonghi Byron Society is pleased to announce that Lord Lytton, descendant of the poet and philhellene George Gordon Noel Byron, sixth Baron Byron (1788-1824), has been pleased to accept the proposal of the Society’s President, Rodanthi Rosa Florou, to become Honorary President of the MBS. Lord Lytton and his family have enjoyed strong ties of friendship with the President and the MBS over 30 years.

John Lytton (Lord Lytton), 5th Earl of Lytton and 18th Baron Wentworth, is a member of the House of Lords and a direct descendant of the British poet and philhellene Lord Byron through his daughter Ada Lovelace, the world’s first female computer programmer.