International Byron Society Conference 2009

The 35th International Byron Conference will take place at Athens University and Messolonghi, Greece on 6-13 September 2009.

The conference theme will be ‘Lord Byron and History’.

The 35th International Byron Conference will be held September 6-13, 2009 at Athens University and Messolonghi, with a tour (with over night stay) to Nafplion, Mycenae, Epidauros. The Academic Committee welcomes proposals of 150-250 words for 20-minute papers exploring some aspect of “Lord Byron and History.” This broad theme can accommodate a range of approaches and topics. Some papers might consider Byron’s own reading of historical texts, his representation of historical situations or figures. Others might look at Byron’s place in various histories–literary, political, and cultural. Still others might examine Byron’s own histories, whether actual or fictive, or the alternative histories in which he has figured. Proposals should be sent by email to Professor Peter Graham, not later than 30 December 2008.