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Joshua D. Gonsalves, is working in the Byron Research Center

Joshua D. Gonsalves, an Assistant Professor in the English Department at the American University of Beirut, is working in the Byron Research Center, Messolonghi, Greece, on a follow-up article to “Byron’s Masque of the French Revolution: Sovereignty, Terror and Republican Identity in Marino Falieroand The Two Foscari,” (in Byron and the Politics of Freedom and Terror, eds. Green and Pal-Lapinski; Palgrave 2011).

He is examining textson Byron’s Final Days in Greece as a site for applying a practico-theoretical understanding of geopolitics (tactics, strategy and especially logistics) alongside interpretative paradigms influenced by the New Mediterranean Studies.His work-in-process in the Center will also contribute to a larger text provisionally entitled Biopolitics, Anglophilia & the Un-Seeing of War in the Romantic Era, which includes a chapter on Byron’s Siege of Ismail Cantos in Don Juan.