You are currently viewing The Byron society. One-Day Conference for the Bicentennial of Don Juan I&II.

The Byron society. One-Day Conference for the Bicentennial of Don Juan I&II.

Keynote Speaker Professor JEROME MCGANN, Virginia University USA.

Στο Συνέδριο για τα 200 χρόνια, από την πρώτη δημοσίευση των δύο πρώτων κάντος του ”Δον Ζουάν” του Λόρδου Βύρωνα (1819-2019), το οποίο πραγματοποιήθηκε στο Nottingham στις 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2019 και διοργάνωσε η Βυρωνική Εταιρεία Λονδίνου, έλαβε μέρος η Ροδάνθη (Ρόζα) Φλώρου, Πρόεδρος της Βυρωνικής Εταιρείας Ιεράς Πόλεως Μεσολογγίου και Γενική Γραμματέας της Διεθνούς Συνομοσπονδίας Βυρωνικών Εταιρειών.

9.00-9.40 Registration & Coffee
9.45 Welcome
9.45-11.25 Session 1, Chaired by Dr Christine Kenyon Jones
Roderick Beaton (King’s College London)
Don Juan and Homer’s Odyssey
William Davies (The Colorado College)
’O Plato! Plato!’: Don Juan versus the Philosophers
Peter Graham (Virginia Tech)
Julia’s Letter
John Havard (State University of New York)
Don Juan in and out of Context: Byron, Hobhouse, and the Politics of Publishing Cantos I and II
11.25-12.00 Coffee

12.00 – 1.10 Session 2, Chaired by Professor Peter Graham
Professor Jerome McGann (Virginia Tech)
‘Byron and his Language’
1.10-2.00 Lunch (held at the venue)
2.00-3.20 Second Panel, Parallel Sessions.
Parallel Session 3A, Chaired by Mirka Horova
Jake Phipps (Durham University)
The Art of Easy Writing’: Satire and Celebrity in Burns and Byron
Emily Paterson-Morgan (Independent)
‘what shall I do about Ph and her epistles’: The Adulterous Love Letter in Don Juan I.192-198
Fiona Milne (University of York)
Don Juan, the law and Byronic self-defence

Parallel Session 3B, Chaired by Gregory Dowling
David Woodhouse (Independent)
The Conception of Don Juan: Lakers, Cockneys and Don Giovanni
Francesco Marchionni (Durham University)
“This sort of adoration of the real/ Is but a heightening of the ‘beau ideal’”: The (Anti-) Epic Form and Scepticism in Don Juan I-II
Hannah Britton (St Andrews)
Wordsworthian Solitudes?: ‘Tintern Abbey’ and Don Juan I and II
3.20-4.00 Coffee

4.00-5.40 Session 4, Chaired by Professor Roderick Beaton
Chris Kenyon Jones (Kings College London)
‘The brush has beat the poetry’: visual responses to Byron before and after 1819
Leigh Wetherall Dickson (Northumbria University)
Fame and Futurity in A New Canto (1819)
Shona Allan (Cologne University)
‘We need a hero’: From Byron’s Don Juan to Sinead Morrissey’s global Greek tragedy
Gregory Dowling (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)
Don Juan and the Greek Crisis: A. E. Stallings’s Response to Byron’s Poem
5.40-6.00 Closing from Bernard Beatty
7.00-7.45 Champagne reception
7.45-10.00 Conference Dinner.