Videos from the The Athenian Session

MONDAY 7 September 2009

“The Athenian Session”
National History Museum of Greece, in the Old Parliament Chamber.

The Chair of the Organizing Committee
Mrs. Rodanthi-Rosa Florou

Professor Peter W. Graham
chairing the Athenian Session

The keynote speaker Dr. William St Clair
delivering his lecture
“Venerable Monitors: Viewing the Acropolis of Athens
in the Age of Lord Byron”

Thanks and Questions…

“Athens Holds My Heart and Soul: The Letters
from Byron’s First Journey to Greece”

Byron: Patrick Judd, Director: Mark Mallett, Stage Manager: Jaaron Boger
Script: Patric Judd, Mark Mallett, Robert Gregg and David Roessel

Vote of thanks on behalf of the Messolonghi Byron Society
to Mr. Ioannis Mazarakis-Ainian,
by the President Mrs. Rodanthi-Rosa Florou
Presentation of Lord Byron’s medal
created by the French sculptor David d’Anzers
to the Messolonghi Byron Center from the National History Museum