10th Student Conference Sessions

Sessions of Student Papers and Lectures

SATURDAY  23 May 2015, Papers in the Byron House

09:30 Welcome addresses

Session One | 10:00-11:30
Chair: Peter Myrian

1. Stephen Minta, University of York, UK
“ ‘Being there…’ Greece: Byron’s Engagement with Landscape and History”

2. Elli Karampela, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
“The Place of Greece: Lord Byron and the Play of National Subjectivity”

3. Joshua Thompson, Virginia Tech, USA
“El Lord Sublime Sin Intención:  Byron’s Unintentional Effects on Spain”

11.30 ‒ 12.00 Coffee break

Session Two | 12:00-13:30
Chair: Naji Queijan

1. Grace Nakhoul, Notre Dame University, Lebanon
“Byron and Eastern Mediterranean Architecture”

2. Alex Anderl, DePaul University, USA
“Gazing, Perspective, and Understanding in Byron’s The Giaour”

3. Aleksandar Jovanović, Simon Fraser University, Canada & Alexander Grammatikos, Carleton University, Canada
“Byron, Hobhouse, and the Byzantine Empire”

14.00 Lunch at Dimitroukas fish restaurant

Session Three | 15.30-17.00
Chair:  Peter Graham

“Byron’s Thingy, or, Don Juan’s Phthisical Assault on Mystified Nature”

2. Matthew Johnson, Virginia Tech, USA
“Don Juan in Love (and Lust)”

3. Jonathan Gross,  DePaul University, USA
“Why Byron’s Body Matters”

17.00 ‒ 17.30 Coffee break

Session Four | 17.30-19.00
Chair: Caroline Franklin

1. ­­­Ashley Miller, Susquehanna University, USA
“Critiquing Iconolatry: Deconstructing Lord Byron’s Normative Gender Roles through Virginia Woolf’s ‘Masculine Complex’ ”

2. Nickey Sanders, Susquehanna University, USA
“Epic Time in Don Juan and the Aeneid”

3. Michael Damyanovich, University of Waterloo, Canada
“Harolde’s Child”

SUNDAY  24  May 2015

12:30 at the Trikoupi Cultural Center

  • David Radcliffe, Virginia Tech, USA
    “Crowd-sourcing the John Murray Archive”
  • Round table: “The 1st International Student Byron Conference Revisited”
    Peter Graham, Rosa Florou, Maria Schoina, Jonathan Gross, Peter Myrian
  • “Glory and Greece”: a dramatic reading presented by the Division of Arts and Humanities and Interdisciplinary Center of Richard Stockton College of  New Jersey.
    Byron: Sean McCullough
    Director: Mark Mallett
    Stage Manager: Christian Jimenez
    Script: David Roessel, Mark Mallett, Sean McCullough and Christian Jimenez

14:30 Lunch on your own

19:30 The Official Ceremony starts at Theoxenia Hotel; introduced by the Joint President of the International Association of Byron Societies,  Professor Jonathan Gross.
Two keynote speakers will deliver their lectures related to the conference topic.

  • Professor Caroline Franklin, Swansea University, UK
    “Byron, the Mediterranean Woman and Women Writers’’
  •  Professor  Naji Oueijan , Notre Dame University, Lebanon
    “Lord Byron’s Mediterranean World’’

MONDAY  25  May 2015, Papers in the Conference Room of Theoxenia Hotel

Session Five | 10:00-11:30
Chair:  Michael Franklin

1. David Roessel, Stockton University, USA
“The Life and Legend of the Maid of Athens”

2. Alexander Grammatikos, Carleton University, Canada
“The Intertextuality of Lord Byron’s Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage”

3. Allegra Radcliffe, Evergreen State College, USA
“Inner and Outer Perspectives of Dance in the 18th- and 19th-Century Mediterranean”

11.30 ‒ 12.00 Coffee break

Session Six | 12:00-13:30
Chair:  Stephen Minta

1. Sam Crain, San Jose State University, USA
“Maintaining or Revising His Norm? ‘Herod’s Lament’ and  ‘Jephtha’s Daughter’ ”

2. May Baaklini, Notre Dame University, Lebanon
“Christian and Existential Parallels in History”

3. Chun-Han Hsu, National Taiwan University
“Exile in Celebrity: The Recalibration of Rhetorics in Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage Canto IV”

13.30 Lunch at Theoxenia Hotel

Session Seven | 15:00-16:30
Chair:  Drew Hubbell

1. Mrad Yara,  Notre Dame University, Lebanon
“Exploring Aqua Imagery in Lord Byron’s and Mary Shelley’s Works”

2. Sarah Schaefer, Virginia Tech, USA
“Masking the Post-Napoleonic Mediterranean: Beppo, Byron, and the Venetian Carnival”

3. John Gatton, Bellarmine University, Louisville, Kentucky, USA
“Reading the Portraits of Faliero and Foscari by Delacroix and Hayez”


  • Professor Peter W. Graham
    Director of International Relations of the Messolonghi Byron Center
  • Professor M. Byron Raizis,
    Director of Studies for the Messolonghi Byron Research Center
  • Dr. Maria Schoina
    Deputy Director of Studies for the Messolonghi Byron Research Center
  • Mrs. Rodanthi-Rosa Florou,
    Chair of the Organizing Committee